
Graduted from OCAD University's illustration program, I'm trained to have a creative perspective when interpreting various topics and when solving problems visually.

I practice in editorial illustration, commercial illustration, concept art, and book illustration. So far my works have been featured in publications such as 3x3 Illustration Annual, exhibited in various galleries such as Assembly Hall and Etobicoke Civic Center, and won a Broken Pencil Award.

(book illustration and published comic/graphic novel works can be found here).

Editorial Illustration

A blue-haird girl in red pj running in a forest of blue and red tress.
A girl looking up to the sky while silhouettes of tree leaves or clouds cast on to her. There are jelly-fish-like creatures floating around in the frame as well.
Geographical features and various climate damages such as tsunami and turnado were synthesized as tattoos on the earth in this illustration. The earth is personalized as being sick.
The moon is personalized as a runnaway, and it is being targeted by a sniper in this illustration, which is a view of the sniper mirror.
An illustration of a close up of a girl's eyes.
An illustration of a girl offering a black goat to the god.

Concept Art